Sweet Elegance Bouquet

Sweet Elegance Bouquet

Sweet Elegance Bouquet

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Regular price $69.00
Tax included.
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Indulge in the vibrant beauty of our signature bouquets, handcrafted to bring joy to any occasion. Our Bouquets feature a delightful assortment of tube roses, roses, and Imported delicate gypsophilas, carefully curated to exude freshness and elegance. But that's not all! To add a touch of sweetness to your gift-giving experience, each bouquet includes two KitKat bars, two Snickers bars, and two Bounty bars, perfectly nestled amidst the blooms. Wrapped in our charming local wrapping sheet and adorned with a striking red ribbon, our bouquets are not just a gift; they're a joyful celebration of love and appreciation. Trust our expert florists to create a stunning arrangement that will leave a lasting impression on your loved ones.

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• Free Greeting Card


The product may vary slightly from the images shown. 
Prices are inclusive of all taxes.

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