The product may vary slightly from the picture shown.
Brighten someone's day with Blush Pink Bouquet! This stunning bouquet features spray pink roses for a luxurious touch and gypsos to add delicate beauty. The marble sheet gives the bouquet a modern, contemporary style, while delightfully designed leaves bring an elevated charm. Whether you're celebrating a special day or spreading love, this bouquet will certainly do the trick! With its combination of pink-hued romance, timeless beauty, and exciting freshness, it's sure to make hearts melt and smiles bloom. So why wait? Gift your loved ones this blend of emotion, beauty, and euphoria – what could be more exciting than that? Add-ons:
We make our best efforts to capture the content of the image shown here. However, please remember that flowers are a product of nature, they may vary in color, number and size of blooms.
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